Eternity Law International Banks for sale Operating bank in Puerto Rico – for sale

Operating bank in Puerto Rico – for sale

December 20, 2023

This is a new investment opportunity - The advantages of bank formation in Puerto Rico . Please check out the main details regarding this proposal below.

This is a new investment opportunity – a bank in Puerto Rico for sale. Please check out the main details regarding this proposal below.

Banking license in Puerto Rico: key considerations

  • International banking license for sale;
  • The bank is connected to the SWIFT network;
  • Correspondent bank relationships in place;
  • The bank is fully licensed to issue loans;
  • Team of 6 employees.

If you are looking to buy a bank in Puerto Rico, please contact us and get detailed information regarding this offer.

Email: Telegram: @dmytro_ELI

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Please contact us to get more information regarding companies on sale. You can also see other offers in the category “Licenses for sale”.

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