Eternity Law International News Company registration in Mauritius

Company registration in Mauritius

December 23, 2020

Mauritius offers loyal conditions for the development of foreign business, while not forgetting about tax privileges. In this jurisdiction, you can register an offshore company, which attracts foreign entrepreneurs, because this is a profitable way to get rid of tax obligations.

The owners of commercial structures are allowed to choose their own direction of activity. The most demanded industries in Mauritius are those related to the financial field, in particular, Forex, securities transactions, foreign exchange activities, etc. The process of obtaining a financial license has been modernized and significantly simplified, which has become the reason for the dynamic development of this area. And this, in turn, brought good profits to businessmen.


You can register a company in Mauritius if you have a formed capital of only $ 1 (equivalent in euros or pounds). The company can be incorporated in the form of IC. This option provides for a minimum of 1 shareholder. Or in the form of an OS, which should already include 2 shareholders. Mauritius law permits the issuance of bearer shares, preference securities, registered, redeemable and nominal value. Companies that do not conduct direct activities within Mauritius do not pay taxes.

Reasons to choose Mauritius for company establishment

There are many arguments in favor of Mauritius as a jurisdiction suitable for registering an offshore company.

  • High level of infrastructure development. Many companies and offshore banking institutions are established in Mauritius. To date, the first created about 15,000.
  • A stable economic field and an understandable legislative framework, which creates all the conditions for creating profitable business structures.
  • Jurisdictional security that is driven by a favorable political and investment environment. This contributes to the early withdrawal of the company to the international level. Investors don’t need to worry about their deposits.
  • Lack of foreign exchange controls and requirements for mandatory auditing. The company only needs to maintain proper records and store them in the office.
  • Simple registration process.
  • The ability to involve nominee members.

If you need to register a company in Mauritius, our specialists will help you register a company quickly and efficiently. Also, you can buy a ready-made company in Mauritius. Write to us in the CRM form and we will help you register a company.

Eternity Law International specialists will provide you with qualified advice on the acquisition of an offshore company, opening a bank account in any jurisdiction, as well as further support of your company’s activities at any stage.

We offer ready-made European and offshore companies. It takes 2 days to reissue documents for new owners.

If you have any questions or need advice on registering or buying a company, call us at the phone numbers listed on the website, or write to us in the CRM form located at the bottom of the page. Our specialists will answer you online.

You can also see our offers in category ready-made companies and licenses for sale.

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